Choose Life!

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We, humans, were blessed by Hashem (G-d) with free will. Many run around saying "you can't legislate morality" then tie themselves in knots trying to distinguish laws against murder and theft from laws protecting life and private property. Basic reading shows us that all laws, courts, and instructions for living with others (from individuals to nations) are found in the Torah.
There are lengthy writings that can be traced back for thousands of years where dilemmas are proposed and considered by great sages throughout history, they discuss what Hashem is trying to tell us and what will allow us all to be our greatest selves.
The conclusion, when faced with good or evil, it is really a choice between life and death and it is best to Choose Life, because life is precious.
I am sure you were expecting to read about abortion, well, the life of the child should be protected, but when the life of the mother is at risk and there are no other options (this is extremely infrequent), then the mother should be saved. When in doubt, Choose Life.
Our program
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) removed itself from what should have been a state issue. Those who really believe in "States' Rights" should celebrate the end of one-size-fits-all litigation over a matter where Life itself was put in jeopardy.
- There will be states that encourage Abortion on demand. We pray they will figure it out and stop this horrific practice.
- There will be states that protect the life of the unborn. We pray they lead the way to treat and help those with difficult, high-risk pregnancies, as well as help to match infertile couples with children they will raise and love.
- The incentives for over-sexualizing young people should be reduced. We pray the "Minor Attracted Persons (aka MAPs or more accurately, pedophiles) are no longer able to entice innocent victims through declining cultural norms disrespecting life.
- Encourage fathers to become dads. We pray marriage of one man to one woman becomes the trend it once was (it does not have to be perfect, but it is better).
- Doctors should not be put into a position where their oath to "do no harm" becomes an ethical dilemma based on political pressure.